Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day Salute

I salute all the men and women who serve our country so that we may remain free. I salute all of the men and women who sacrificed their lives in the pursuit of freedom. You are all worthy of our praises. I may be one person, but I am one person who loves her country and supports her troops! I thank you all for truly having a servant's heart. Thank you for my freedom to be myself...freedom to hang a flag from my house...freedom to pray for my troops. I pray for your safety...Godspeed.

And taking a cue from another blog that I read this morning...there are other men, women and children who are in a different kind of war...the war against cancer. Whether you are the patient, caregiver, family member, or friend...you are in the battle of your lives and I salute the "veteran" warriors that you are. You may not be fighting for the freedom of a country, fighting to free prisoners of war, or fighting terrorism...but YOU are... WE are...waging a war against a disease that robs us of our freedom to live a normal life.

If you are a patient with cancer, you are fighting for survival, fighting for freedom from disease, fighting for a renewed body. Please stay strong. I salute you!

If you are a caregiver, you are fighting for your loved one's dignity, fighting for freedom from HMOs, hospitals and doctors, fighting to create a new life for your loved one, fighting for a good night's rest, fighting for just one moment without thinking about cancer, fighting for that one last special moment with the one you love. I salute you!

If you are a family member or friend, you are fighting to support the patient and caregiver in whatever way you can. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I salute you!

To the veterans of war, I will forever be grateful for your sacrifice.

To the "veterans" of the war on cancer, I am proud to be your comrade; I am honored to be fighting with all of you to one day WIN THIS WAR.

And finally, to those "veterans" that have lost their lives in the cancer battle; without your paving the way, technology would not be where it is today. Please know that your death was not in vain. You were a hero to many for your bravery. Your sacrifice has helped others to live longer lives. I salute you!

God bless you all!


betty said...

what a beautiful tribute to our veterans and to those of you who are warriors against cancer; the picture of you and Jay is priceless on top of your blog Jamie


kelly said...

beautiful Jamie, absolutely beautiful.. my sentiments exactly..
hugs to you..

Arlene (AJ) said...

Jamie, a touching tribute to our countries veterans and those veterans who have had their lives touched by cancer in any way.....your words are my thoughts also dear.