Thursday, January 31, 2008

City of Hope

Hello All!

Well, we have been blessed once again with the gift of a referral to City of Hope.  We had an appointment with Jay's oncologist the other day and he told us that he was going to refer us to City of Hope for further consultation.  Praise God!  Now this came, of course, after Dr. S spoke to Dr. O (our second opinion doc and new best friend) on the phone.  I believe that this was the true reason why Dr. S has decided to refer us out.  I didn't dare think that I was going to get an admission of guilt for not telling us that the tumor in Jay's lower abdomen was gone!  But, whatever his reason, it does not matter...I just see it as the Lord guiding us to where we need to be in order to get the best care possible for my honey.  Prayer works people!  If you've never tried're missing out!

Anyway, this whole thing seems to have done wonders for my guy.  His spirits are really lifted and he has found motivation to be active again.  It's amazing that if you tell someone that they are really sick, whether they really are or not, they will become sick!  The mind is a strange, mysterious and wonderful thing.  It is a gift and an awesome creation from God.  But, the Lord can transform the mind so that it is not so heavily influenced. 

Greg Laurie, my pastor and a wonderful evangelist once said, "Faith over circumstances; NOT mind over matter."  I have it written on a post-it and stuck to my monitor at work because it is a solid reminder to me that it is the Lord alone who created our minds and we are to be focused on what He has done for us.  It is my faith and not my mind that gets me through this trial.  My circumstances do not make me who I am, it is my faith in a God who walks beside me through it all.  He formed my heart and He resides in me.  He is my strength.

It's hard to say how I would react if I became very sick, and I pray that it never happens...but my bigger prayer would be that the Lord transform my heart and mind to stay focused on Him being in control over everything in my life, including my body, and surrendering it all to Him. 

I am just so grateful to my God that loves us so much.  There is no greater peace and joy.

Father, thank You for a love that is never ending.  I praise Youfor paving the way for Jay and I to go to City of Hope.  I lift the insurance up to you and pray that they would cover it.  I know above all else, YOU will provide.  I lift our circumstances up to You and pray in FAITH that You will help us to overcome our circumstances.  I love You, Lord.  In Your son's precious name.  Amen.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jamie, I am so excited!  I heard City of Hope was really good.  How very exciting!  I am glad you and your husband are putting your faith in the Lord.  God bless you,

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

This news is wonderful honey not just the C of H referral but Jay is motivated again.  This is fantastic.  We are elated!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you.  Keep your spirits high!!!!

Mommy & Alypoo!

Anonymous said...

Hi; Krissy asked me to come and check out your journal. I think this is so neat that you are gettiing a referral to the City of Hope; I have heard fantastic things about that place. It truly is an answer to prayer. I am a believer too and I know the power of prayer; I cannot tell you how many prayers the Lord has answered for me in his perfect timing/will.

I want to also tell you that I think Greg Laurie is one of the most gifted evangelists/pastors in this modern time. I started listening to him when we lived in Montana when I would get up and exercise at 5:00 in the morning, that's when he was on our local radio station. We have subsequently moved back to the Southern California area to be closer to family and his program comes on later here then when I exercise so I just catch the beginning of his program. We've been here 2 Harvest Crusades and I haven't made it to one but this is the year I plan to go. I think its awesome you get to work at Harvest Fellowship!!!

I put your journal on alerts; I'll stop by when you post and when I have time I'll go back and try to read some of your other entries.

here's my favorite verse I have prayed a lot:  Jeremiah 32:27  "I am the Lord, the God of all mankind, is anything to hard for me?" (NIV)

May God Bless you,


Anonymous said...

Jamie it was meant to be, leading up to your referral to the City of Hope.  Jay will be in my special thoughts, so thankful that this has worked out for him, has been a real pick me up for him, that's wonderful. Keeping the faith can make such a difference in how things turn out.....God is holding Jay's and your hand through this, you can't find a better strength and comfort.  Bless you both.  Arlene (AJ)ok.  

Anonymous said...

I've heard wonderful things about City of Hope.  What a blessing.  I'm glad your husbands spirits have been lifted.  My father had colon cancer and he was told he wouldn't live more than 3 months.  He lived almost 5 years longer, walking on the beaches, seeing his frist granddaughters birth and more.  I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.
