Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Face Time...

I miss "Face Time." That's what I used to call it when I would spend time just looking at Jay's face and in his eyes. I miss staring at him for hours and studying every feature on his face. I got to the point where I knew his face so well that I could tell when he was in pain or sad just by the way he wrinkled his eye brows. He didn't have to say anything at all. He would just move his face in a certain way and I knew...

A number of years ago it wasn't that way for us. Before Jay got sick, we got into the habit of not even looking at each other. Not because we didn't love each other, but because we just took our time together for granted. We would have conversations around each other, but not really talk TO each other or LOOK at each other when we would be speaking.

Have you ever done that?...get so busy in your daily lives that you manage to just exist around your loved ones and not invest a whole lot of "face time?" If you find yourself saying that you don't know what your loved one's face looks like when they are truly happy, sad, angry, hurting, content...can I just tell you this...take the time now. Invest in "face time" because it is a treasured gift.

I can close my eyes right now and envision every single emotion on Jay's face and how I knew exactly what to do without him saying a word. I can remember how we cherished studying each other in our quiet time together so we could get to know each other on the most intimate level.

Face time is priceless...


Arlene (AJ) said...

Your words will indeed make me take a good look at my guy and appreciate him more. Thank you. It is a tough time you are going through, know what my Sis has had to deal with in her hubby passing...she found comfort in her church support group and with keeping herself busy with work, joinging a girlfriend card group, etc. just having things to do has really been a help getting over losing Ron to his cancer. Know we care about you dear.

betty said...

thank you for posting this Jamie; I have to admit we are lacking in face time here; thanks for the reminder and the advice

hugs to you
